Tex Knitter

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Two On One and My Fresh Balls

I attended my first SnB Sunday. I know I said I was going to do the last one, but didn't get too it. Kev was to be there and give me another lesson on the "two socks at the same time on one needle thing" because I still don't have it down, and in all honesty, I have not sat down properly and concentrated on learning the damn thing. But Kev stood me up!!! Can you believe that? He had a good excuse though..... had a "date". If y'all want to know my opinion on the SnB email me....I can't say it in public.

Above is a pic of the set-up stolen from Kenny's wonderful and comprehensive tutorial on the subject.

Another thing Kev introduced to me are these cool "yarn-tainers" They really work at keeping your yarn clean, pet protected and untangled. I got mine at Target in the sewing machine section and they run about five bucks.

The yarn-tainers come in three sizes however, the Target I went to only carries the tall version and actually that works out great because they stand up in my knitting bag so that I don't have to pull balls of yarn out of my bag every time I want to knit a row or two. My balls stay as fresh as ever and now yours can too!


Blogger Ken said...

Hey Chris, love the "yarn-tainer" idea. Go Target! I'll have to see if ours has them.

Didn't realize that you were doing two socks on ONE circular. I'll have to take a look at the tuturial and see how that's done.

Ever get your second olive tree?



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