Tex Knitter

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Remember To Buy Minute Maid

Eight years ago I ran across the cutest little citrus tree at Lowes Hardware here in Dallas and when I say citrus that was exactly what was printed on the label. "Citrus". I asked the nurseryman just what type of citrus, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit? His answer was, ' just citrus'. As I always love a surprise I went ahead and bought my little pig-in-a-poke and hauled him home.

The tree had been grafted onto a heartier root stock and within a year the top portion died on me. Then the root stock began to grow. Eight years of nurturing later that sucker finally produced five oranges this year!

I watched them slowly turn to their bright orange color over the fall and marveled at just how pretty they were against the dark green foliage. Yesterday one had fallen off onto the patio and I picked the little guy up, sat down in one of the patio chairs and sniffed it's wonderful aroma. I then dug my nail into the rind and was greeted with the smell of fresh orange oil tickling my nose. My sensory evaluation was running in overdrive as I pulled the remaining cover from this heavenly fruit anticipating the nectar of the gods that I was about to experience.

I then pulled this fragrant globe in two, pulled off a section and popped it into my mouth.....

..... sourest freakin' orange I ever tasted!

On the knitting side I'm still working on that Debbie Bliss sweater, mittens using Justin's pattern and started a scarf for Jeff' dad using one of my favorite yarns, Berroco Ultra Alpaca. It's a 50/50 wool/alpaca blend and knits like a freaking dream. A bunch of us guys are heading up to Oklahoma City this weekend and I hope to get the scarf done over the drive up and back. The sweater and mittens will have to wait.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Best Wishes For 2007

Well, well, well. Here we are in a brand new year! Since I'm writing this you can assume that I survived and as you are reading this I can assume that you did too. Good for us. My only problem is that my recovery time stretches out longer and longer each year and here it is Thursday and I'm still working on it. Lord amighty!

Our original plan was to head to a private party in Denison but then decided to stay here in Dallas and not make the drive. That was probably a damn good idea.

Here is a pic of Jeff with all the 'tude' the guy could muster New Years Eve and when I say 'tude' he had it in spades but ya can't help but love him anyway.
I want to wish you all the happiest year ever and let's see if we can make it to 2008.